Saturday, 15 July 2017

Het Stennen Tidjperk Part 1 of 22

"The Stone Age" presents
The Elvis Presley Story
Part 1 of 22

This is Elvis's best story ever. This series told the whole story of the King of A - Z, in Dutch with lots of music. The series dates back to 1987 (formerly 1977) when the AVRO dedicated a 22-hour broadcast, as a homage to Elvis, in her show "The Stone Age". These 22 weeks, each one hour, were told by Hans Schiffers. A very intelligent and warm voice that could convey the story to the listeners for 100%. This series is 22 shows of outstanding and professional quality. Experience Elvis's height and depth points, successes and setbacks and especially the MUSIC.

1 hour 1 minute


01. Starting point "The Stone Age"
02. Fragment of his last performance: "Falling In Love with You"
03. Events shortly before his death.
04. Willem van Beusekom announces the news.
05. The news sounds like a bomb.
06. Reporter Peter Schr der for the Avro.
07. His birth on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississipi.
08. Influences: Country & Western
09. Influences: Jazz and Blues
10. Elvis' youth
11. Talent hunt in 1953
12. Gift for his mother
13. Impression of music from the "Sun" label
14. Elvis is going to record a record
15. This first recording has never been found
16. "That's Where Your Heartaches Begin"
17. Sam Philips from the Sun label looks a lot
18. The first recording for Sun: "I Love You Because"
19. His first single "That's Allright Mama"
20. "Blue Moon Of Kentucky"
21. "That's Allright Mama" comes on the radio for the first time
22. The record is immensely popular
23. His second single: "Good Rockin 'Tonight"
24. Radio performance in "The Louisiana Hayride"
25. A recording from that program: "Tweedle Dee" (1954)
26. "Tomorrownight" (Recording from 1965)
27. "Tomorrownight" (original recording from 1954)
28. "I Do not Care If The Sun Do not Shine"
29. Interview (1958): "That's Allright Mama"
30. "I Need Your Love Tonight"
31. Fragments from interviews during his service in Germany 


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